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The Neurological Difference Interference and Optimization Scales (NDIS & NDOS)

Develop and evaluate a scale to measure life performance interference and optimization factors stemming from neurological differences such as autism and ADHD in late-identified individuals who were not previously diagnosed before age 12.

Life Performance Interventions for Individuals with Neurological Differences

How can optimization science be used to develop interventions for individuals with neurological differences, and how does the efficacy compare to standard cognitive and behavioral strategies?

Optimal Communication in Mixed-Neurotype Relationships

Can performance optimization strategies be used to address common communication challenges between neurotypical individuals and those with neurological differences?

Performance Optimization In Cognitive Sports

What unique brain traits contribute to success in cognitive sports like Chess and Poker, and how can they be optimized to develop cognitive and behavioral interventions to scientifically improve player performance?

Performance Optimization In Creativity and Performing Arts

How can performance optimization techniques be utilized to enhance creativity and mitigate performance anxiety in the performing arts, and what neurological and psychological mechanisms underlie the efficacy of these interventions across different artistic disciplines?

Queer Identities and Neurological Differences

How do queer identities intersect with neurological differences, and how does this experience impact developing inclusive support systems, healthcare practices, and social policies that address the unique needs of individuals who embody both experiences?

Career-Planning for Teens

How can performance optimization strategies be integrated into career planning programs for teenagers to enhance decision-making skills, reduce anxiety, and improve long-term career satisfaction outcomes compared to traditional guidance methods?

Neurodevelopmental Skill Asymmetries

How do neurological differences influence the uneven development of skills across cognitive, social, and functional domains, and what mechanisms contribute to the discrepancies between areas of exceptional ability and significant challenge?

Optimizing Benefits and Mitigating Interference of Hypersensitivity

How do hypersensitivity traits confer unique advantages and challenges, and what neuropsychological interventions can be developed to maximize the benefits while minimizing the interference in daily functioning across various life domains?

Neurodiversity in STEM Education

How can STEM education strategies be optimized to leverage the unique cognitive strengths of neurodivergent students, and what approaches can educators employ to address challenges and guide students toward fulfilling STEM career paths?

Neurological Basis of Leadership Styles for Optimal Team Performance

How do different neurological profiles shape leadership styles, and what are the comparative advantages and challenges associated with each profile in various organizational contexts?

Alternative High-Conflict Communication Strategies

How can alternative communication strategies for diverse neurological profiles be effectively implemented in high-conflict situations to reduce emotional escalation and lead to more satisfactory resolutions than traditional conflict mediation techniques?

Identifying Autism in Girls and Women

What strategies can identify autism in girls and women more effectively, and how do gender-specific social, cultural, and psychological factors contribute to the masking of autistic traits in this population?

Neurological Differences in Parenting and Family Dynamics

How does parental neurodiversity impact child-rearing approaches and family dynamics, and what are the potential benefits and challenges of parents seeking their own neurological evaluations following their child's diagnosis?

Neuroinclusive Counseling Strategies

How can counseling strategies be adapted to effectively address the diverse needs of neurodivergent individuals, and what impact does this neuroinclusive approach have on therapeutic outcomes compared to traditional counseling methods?

Over-functioning as a Trauma Response and Optimization Theory as an Intervention

How does over-functioning manifest as a trauma response, and how can principles of optimization theory be applied in clinical settings to develop targeted interventions?

Cultural Identity and Performance

How do individual, group, or institutional cultural identities influence performance across various life domains, and how can clinicians leverage this understanding to develop targeted interventions for optimizing personal and professional outcomes?

Quantifying the Impact of Masking Behaviors on Mental Health

Develop a scale to measure masking behaviors in individuals with neurological differences, such as autism, and quantify the impacts of masking on mental health and overall well-being.

ADHD and PMDD Symptom Overlap in Adult Women

How does the misdiagnosis of ADHD as PMDD in adult women impact their treatment outcomes, and to what extent can shifting the diagnostic focus from behavior to functional impairment improve the accuracy of ADHD identification?