I’ve never been a natural.

All I do is try, try, try.

- Taylor Swift

Clinical Services

  • Therapy is a process in which individuals engage with a trained professional to gain insights into their patterns, process emotions, and develop coping strategies.

    Book a free 15-minute appointmentwith me

    Therapy Session 60 minutes | $75 per session

    Nevada residents only

  • Collect data through clinical interviews and assessments, analyze results, produce a comprehensive report with clinical findings and tailored recommendations, and discuss results and next steps in a follow-up session.

    Assessments are used to provide a deeper understanding of your patterns and needs. Please note that the assessment report is intended for your benefit and may not be accepted by other entities.

    Book a free consultation to learn more about my process.

    90-minute interview and written assessment report | $250

Performance Coaching Services

  • Coaching aims to help clients achieve specific personal or academic goals by developing practical skills and strategies without addressing mental health issues. It is designed to optimize life experiences and support growth in non-clinical areas.

    Book a free consultation to see if I can help you achieve your goals.

    Read some of my client success stories

    60 minutes | $75 per session

  • Understand how your actions, perceptions, and thoughts impact communication within close relationships. Learn how to assess and adapt to others’ needs, resolve conflicts, and build trust in relationships.

    Book a free consultation to identify your top 3 relationship skill goals.

    Read some of my client success stories

    90 minutes | $130 per session
    In this program, there are three equal partners, You, Them, and The Relationship. Each partner gets 30 minutes of coaching, plus assigned fun activities.

    60 minutes | $90 per session
    A full hour dedicated to just The Relationship

    All forms of relationships are welcome, including but not limited to romantic, familial, platonic, professional, cohabitants, and co-parents.

    Inclusive and affirming approach.

  • Discover how optimization science can improve team dynamics and organizational effectiveness. Together, we'll transform your team or organization into a more inclusive, high-performing environment.

    Contact for Pricing

Groups & Workshops

  • Small groups of 4 to 8 supportive individuals who ask questions, share skills, and encourage each other in a structured environment.

    Find the right group for you

    Cost varies by type of group. Sliding scale is available.

    In-person and virtual groups are available in all locations.

  • Got an idea for a workshop? Let's bring it to life! Custom workshops can accommodate 10 to 40 participants and can vary in duration from 90 minutes to 3 days.

    Custom Workshop Examples:

    • Academic success workshops: Grab a few friends and get a crash course in cognitive and behavioral strategies to optimize your performance in school .

    • Inclusive communication for teams: Learn practical strategies for making requests, empathizing, and problem-solving with teammates.

    Contact for pricing

Community & Events

  • No reading required and no homework. Each month, we will listen to the audiobook together, pausing along the way to discuss our ideas. To make it ADHD-friendly, we'll vote on the playback speed (I'm partial to 1.25x speed myself).

    RSVP to an upcoming event

    2024 Dates: July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4.

    Time: 5p.m. to 6 p.m. PST (Join us from any time zone)

  • Inclusive social activities and programs like sensory-friendly group hikes, sports, and community outings tailored to your interests.

    The InterACT Club for school-age students helps build self-esteem and relationship skills through empowering activities.

    Experience the arts with InterACT Shows and Sensory-Friendly Theatre training.

    Learn more at interactwithus.org